Gavau el. laišką iš
[...] šiandien [2012-03-10] knygyne bevartydamas fotografijos žurnalą Aperture radau bato nuotrauką iš Argentinos. Pagalvojau, kad gal ne tik Lietuvoje yra batavimo pradininkų. Nors istorija prie nuotraukos gana liūdna.
— Ačiū! Kadangi tekstas po fotografija sunkokai įskaitomas, perbadžiau:
Since the day of my release, thirty-plus years ago, whenever a man comes near me on the street, on the train, on the bus, or in the subway, the first thing I look at are his shoes. The image of certain shoes became stuck in my mind. Because we were blindfolded, the only thing we could see were the shoes of the policemen. They were black, laced, and very shiny. Still today, if I see those kinds of shoes on someone, I am instantly transported back to my time in the secret detention center.
Gladis Cuervo was abducted on November 25, 1976, in Buenos Aires, and taken to the secret detention center Hospital Posadas.
[Paula Luttringer, *1955, La Plata, Argentina; „she turned to photography as a means of expression“] From the series , 2010–present.
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